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St Mary's is always available for the funerals of parishioners but anyone with a special connection with the parish will be considered.  A service in church can be arranged to precede any cremation or burial elsewhere and allows more time and space to remember the departed.  It is traditional for the deceased to rest in church overnight before the funeral and this is encouraged at St Mary's.
Music for a funeral in church is normally provided both by the choir and organist and, if required, through pre-recorded CD's.  Following a service in church, the Rector would accompany the mourners to the place of committal to conduct the service there.  
The churchyard is no longer open for burials though a small area is reserved for the interrment of ashes and the necessary arrangements should be made with the Rector.  A memorial book is maintained in church to record the names of those for whom an entry is desired.   The Rector normally conducts the funerals of all parishioners whether or not they are held in church. He will be pleased to liaise with the funeral director of your choice, but it is helpful to contact him before a firm arrangement is made. The Rector will visit to discuss the service details in advance of conducting it.


Memorial services
These can be arranged in conjunction with a funeral or at another time.  Please contact the Rector to discuss.


Other services
If you have any requests for a special service, please discuss these with the Rector.


© 2015 St Mary's Church, Stone

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