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This week, Of Your Charity, Pray For…

Prayer is an integral part of the daily life of Christians, but it can often be difficult to know how to pray or what to pray about.


Some help with daily prayer can be found through the Church of England's daily prayer 'feed'.




Prayer request?


If you would like prayers said at St Mary's for someone or something in particular just write us a brief message in the spaces below.


Your email address is needed for the request form to be sent successfully, but it will not be used unless you ask to be contacted.


Your prayer request has been received.

The Church: Pentecostal Churches.

At St Mary’s – The Welcomers

Our world and its workers :The elderly and vulnerable.

Social workers and caregivers.

Our parish: Residents of Acacia Road, Birch Place, Carlton Avenue, Elm Road, Oak Road, Woodward Terrace.

Electoral Roll –Jan Mackney, Dennis Moor, Kitty Raj.

Those who are sick or in need:Rudolph Jones,Terry Stock, Joyce Taylor.

Those who have died: Darren Handley,

and those whose anniversary falls this week: Stanley Hand (2019), David Blanchard (2018), Valerie Goodyear (2021), Betty Hibben (2013)& Roy Jewiss (2019).

© 2015 St Mary's Church, Stone

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