Stone Church, St Mary the Virgin
13th Century parish church of Stone-next-Dartford, Kent
A place of welcome, prayer, healing and peace.
Notices for the week beginning Sunday 23rd March 2025
New Electoral Roll
Now is the time to take and return an application form for enrolment on the new Electoral Roll. You may be enrolled if you are over 16, are baptized (1), and fulfil the following criteria:
· you live in the parish of Stone (2A)
· you have habitually worshipped at St Mary’s over the past six months (2B)
· being a member of another church, you have nevertheless worshipped at St Mary’s over the past six months (2C).
You have until 13th April to return your application.
By applying to be enrolled you are declaring your support for St Mary’s and that is extremely valuable. But please give your wholehearted support by offering contact details and by taking seriously the call to give regularly and proportionately to the life and work of the church and make a Gift Aid declaration where appropriate. Thank you.
Real Easter Egg
You have until next Sunday 30th March to place your order with Kathryn for a truly Fairtraded and meaningful Easter treat. Milk chocolate £5.75 and dark chocolate £6.90.
Lilies and flowers for Easter
If you wish to remember someone with flowers this Easter, please make a donation (gift-aided where possible – use an envelope).
“The Cross of Christ”
A choral cantata with readings. The choir are rehearsing this for Palm Sunday at 5 pm. Give them your encouragement by making time to attend for a meditative start to Holy Week.
Soup for the Soul
Stay after church this morning for our Lenten alternative to the Parish Breakfast, served each Sunday until Easter, soup and bread accompanied by music and a spiritual reading.
Lent Challenge
This is where you take a tube of smarties (free if you accept the challenge) and fill it day by day with £1 coins or 20ps as an Easter gift to support the life of the church.
Palm Sunday Procession & Service
On Sunday 13th April we welcome our near neighbours from St Mary, Greenhithe and host our annual joint service on this first day of Holy Week. Please note the time change: the procession will form up at the Steele Avenue gate of Worcester Park at 10.15am and the Family Communion in church will begin at 10.30 am.
Easter Egg Draw
To be drawn on Easter Day (20th April). £1 a ticket available from Robin or Jeanne.
Please review your regular giving to St Mary’s Church. Use Lent to assess your weekly income so that you can make a proportionate response to God through St Mary’s. Your parish church has no income other than what you voluntarily give. The work of God here is an entirely voluntary operation which thrives or dwindles as we collectively take responsibility.
Dennis’ Retirement
Dennis Moor has announced his retirement as Reader at St. Mary’s at Pentecost, Sunday 8th June. Please make sure you are free to mark with him the completion of over three decades of voluntary service in Stone, holding the bishop’s licence as a Reader for nearly 23 years. There will be tears….
Cleaning Rota & Churchyard Maintenance
In addition to the first Saturday of each month for indoor cleaning, four dates for clearing duties in the churchyard are 12th April, 14th June, 23rd August, 18th October. Please note these in your diary and volunteer as you are able. With thanks to those who have already stepped up to these necessary tasks.
Calendar & Dates
Please note the following moveable dates for 2025: 5th March – Ash Wednesday; 20th April – Easter Day; 11th May - Annual Parochial Church Meeting; 29th May – Ascension Day; 7th June - Summer Fair; 8th June – Pentecost; 19th June – Corpus Christi; 28th September – Harvest Thanksgiving; 5th October – Dedication Festival; 30th November – Advent Sunday.
This Week at St Mary’s: -
Daily (except Tuesday)
9 am Mattins
5 pm Evensong
Monday 24th March
7.30 pm Lent Group (at the Rectory)
Wednesday 26th March
8 pm Online Compline
Thursday 27th March
2-4 pm Open Church
7.30 pm Bell-ringing practice
Friday 28th March
7 pm Choir practice
Do remember that the clocks will go forward one hour
Next Sunday is Lent 4 (Mothering Sunday)
9 am Mattins
10am Holy Communion& Soup Lunch
Please note: no Evensong
Hymns, Reflections & Prayers
Daily hope from the Church of England. Do share the following free phone number with anyone, especially those without access to the internet: 0800 804 8044
A Guide to getting on to Facebook
1.Type ‘Facebook’ into your computer or tablet or phone search box
2. Click the link ‘log into Facebook’ and you will arrive at a screen which will let you create your own account.
3. Enter your email address as directed and create a password that you will remember (e.g. an old address or phone number or a car registration number)
4. Enter a birth date
5. Click ‘sign up’ and an email will then be sent to you with a number code to enter into the box on the next screen.
6. Enter the code from the email into the box and click ‘continue’.
7. A message should appear to say your account is confirmed and that you will use your email address to log in. Click OK.
8. To find the St Mary’s page type st mary the virgin church stone-next-dartford into the search box at the top of the screen and then click the first post on the screen that appears next to see the most recent posts.
9. To make sure you see all new posts from St Mary’s as they appear, click the ‘Like’ button (the thumbs up symbol).
10. If you only want to follow St Mary’s this is all you have to do.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
You are invited to give consent that we may contact you from time to time. To continue hearing from us or to join our contact list for the first time please complete the online form on our website or the sheet available in church. Our privacy notices are on the noticeboard in church and our website here www.stmarystone.org/gdpr.